A Question of Motivation-Progress Report

Hey Boo
When I was younger, I played StarCraft 2. I didn't get to play it when I was a kid because the covers looked too violent for my parents. Living in the country didn't let me have many paths around that.
But nothing could stop me in college. I got an install of SC1 from a friend and we played some Big Game Hunters. For some reason I was one of few of my friends who stayed interested when StarCraft 2 was announced.

I wasn't very good. StarCraft has a lot of things happening at once and I wasn't very good. I barely got used to using hot keys but the early game looked similar no matter once. Gather resources, look for early build clues, make counters and defences. I learned and got better.

Until, one day I snapped out of a day dream and three minutes had passed without selecting my units. My life had been rocked in a very fundamental way and I couldn't focus anymore. I couldn't distract myself with my favorite game.
I was deeply sad, lost, unmotivated, and I didn't have anything to do. Prime cult bait. Arguably, I had escaped a cult by that time.

I moved on. I got better and worse jobs. Moved cities. Dated. Life moved on. 
I've even picked up StarCraft and played around for a few seasons. The excitement wasn't there. I didn't have a trajectory to play all the time and theory crafting strategies. 

Motivation depends on a lot of things. Fun. Profit. Fellowship. But we are squishy things. Mood can cut off even positive attachments. When I feel motivation leave me or realize that a scene has loaded and has been sitting for several minutes, I remember those drones sitting next to the nexus as the time ticks forward. I could push forward. Organization or task lists and spreadsheets can help push past but those drones stare.

Then, I switch. I write whatever comes through my fingers. I play something dumb. Today, I went out to buy tax software and bought a burger.
Aha, I thought I'd have to stop without writing anything that y'all care about but then I found an outlet under the table while adjusting my boots. It's cold here, I don't wear boots for fashion reasons.

Artist news
I picked an artist, what to help me with art and whatnot. Emotional stability was not one of my questions or requirements but I'm playing the numbers that they are more stable than me.

They are on the server. They'll be in the credits. I'll make a big fun announcement if they want.

Revisions for the last scene have been finished. Everyone's character should make sense when they start headbutting the MC. I need to tag the revisions for images, then there will be the most accurate estimate.

Writing on the next chapter has started. I write a thousand words a week as a rule. I've had other people get confused about that. Like how can I write one part without more reader feedback. I considered this for a little while, then I looked at all the reader feedback I don't get and decided not to worry about it. Perhaps in the future, I will be able to distract myself with other projects but until then, I'm a machine that turns sadness into incest stories with too many jokes.

As a consequence, the final word count has changed but the chance to quantify it has been lost to the injected code.

Art is good. Thank you for asking.
I was thinking I had made two hundred renders in a month but math rains on my parade again. I think I have a personal goal for this month.
I had a major problem with one scene rendering. An obscure setting was fucking me over.

My estimate has been adjusted. Someone pointed out that I had 15k before. That would be a lot. THat would be an image for every three words. Animations might shake out that way but I don't count animation by the frame, like a nerd. Who has time to do so much math for numbers that players really won't understand, anyway? I don't even think that sounds impressive to players and reddit.

Shots fired. Who am I fighting with now?

My estimate is 1,500 images. Hopefully the last few scenes will only add a hundred.

Valentines Bundle
I should really post special promo logs more. The annual Vday bundle has hit its goal of EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS! For a few more days, you can still get all the games and demos in the bundle for free but also, there are coupons for all of my games, special renders, and discounts on backer sites!

Thank you all for participating and supporting and grab some of these 73 games while they are still bundled together.

I made a teaser post that disappointed someone. Hopefully it was for the teasing and not the actual content.

You can marvel at this rival

Tulip "When they told me they wanted to dress me up as the Invisible Woman, I was expecting a lot less clothes and no shoulder pads."
You're the Sue Storm we have at home.
Tulip "Does she have shoulder pads on her tits?"
Would those be tit pads? It's supposed to be armor.
Tulip "It's armor made of shoulder pads. I'm surprised my ass isn't padded."
That is the part that matters.

Rewards go up every third Wednesday-ish*! Some renders cannot go on Patreon for cum related TOS reasons. Those will be in the supporter only room on my discord. So, if you support me and are on discord, make sure I give you the role!

 See the full sets on Patreon!                   See the full sets on Subscribestar!

While you can see updates and get your name in the credits, I will not be distributing games from Patreon. Games are distributed from Itch only.


4b7034e8 c8d4 45ef 94d5 d8d6659690dd 120x120 258x1 1080x1080

$18 (Everyone is)EIGHTEEN  -Bonus 4k render -render request -Beta testing Recruit

$10 PURRING KITTY rewards -Bonus 4k render -render suggestion -Access to the Games As soon as it is out of beta -weighted vote

2dbbe872 17c3 4c43 b8b7 c2017f5c16d2 120x120 1193x1 721x720

$5 PIXIES -Rewards and Special Renders

Fdc1c51e ef96 4660 a380 b54588c858cb 120x120 825x614 463x463

$3 BASEY rewards -Monthly unique photo sets not in any games  -behind-the-scenes details -credited (if you want)

A7f4cabf 02be 495e af82 8e34fa8af2c1 120x120 146x120 630x631

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i gotta say, those tulip lines about the invisible girl suit are funny. thanks for the laugh. :)