Baskin All-In: The Family now on steam
R.E. Boudoir is the erotica pen name of Ray. There is a bit of a branding conflation with TheSugarRay which will just ride until it needs to be addressed.
Sweet Potato Games is a collaboration of Ray and Bee's Knees.
Ray is a writer and novelist. He creates video essays on his YouTube Channel Thought Ray and writing focused videos on his personal channel Ray Richards. His short stories have been published in a few indie zines, that have imploded, and formerly
After he emerged from the wild forests of Michigan, he found himself dropping out of seminary and living in the politically charged state of Iowa. Where he writes, enjoys sushi, and cooks a conspicuous amount of vegan AIP Paleo hipster food.
Bee's Knees is private, for now.
TheSugarRay is the handle for publishing games filled with comedy and fun that is admittedly on the dryer side.