Junebugs and Devlugs

Hey Boo,

I've been putting in a bathtub. That's been my week. It took over my days off and my render queue has caught up with me. My PC is off for the first time in a like a month. It itches a little. 

Casual, mostly non-busness greeting over.

Wooo numbers! But what does it mean, Bassel? It means I'm just about done with image rendering. Then the next important numbers are the images processed and programming.

I've been prioritizing getting images posed and renders because that's the long part. I've been selective on what images I finish because that is the final decision part. I've been a little wobbly on some backgrounds that need to track down. I'll still be making some renders in that time but those will be time-sensitive correction renders.

Time-sensitive because I'll be plugging all of the programming into ren'py. Then, I'll have to go through the game in alpha testing.

Free Weekend

It's all very exciting. While in beta, I'll be doing a free weekend bundle on Itch! I'm not sure how the bundle would will work. I want to use the games official page but I might have to make a temporary page. It all depends on what is possible in the backend! It might be easier not to do a bundle but bundles are cool and I can use it as an excuse to share some other cool games.

Rewards Rewards This month I did a few images. Still, HD versions are available for patrons.   I have special renders posted on the third Wednesday of every month for all 18+ tiers. This is going to be another thin month for pinups.

 See the full sets on Patreon!                   See the full sets on Subscribestar!

While you can see updates and get your name in the credits, I will not be distributing games from Patreon. Games are distributed from Itch and links on discord.


4b7034e8 c8d4 45ef 94d5 d8d6659690dd 120x120 258x1 1080x1080

$18 (Everyone is)EIGHTEEN  -Bonus 4k render -render request

$10 PURRING KITTY rewards -Bonus 4k render -render suggestion -Access to the Games As soon as it is out of beta -weighted vote

2dbbe872 17c3 4c43 b8b7 c2017f5c16d2 120x120 1193x1 721x720

$5 PIXIES -Rewards and Special Renders

Fdc1c51e ef96 4660 a380 b54588c858cb 120x120 825x614 463x463

$3 BASEY rewards -Monthly unique photo sets not in any games  -behind-the-scenes details -credited (if you want)

A7f4cabf 02be 495e af82 8e34fa8af2c1 120x120 146x120 630x631

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