Postmortem! Baskin Chapter Two

Hello Boo and Bowsettes, 
I'm so happy about everyone who played and enjoyed it!

 If you were busy, I released chapter 2 for Baskin: All-In. If you bought the game before, the update is in your itch library. Also, you have an itch library.

I've taken a little break. Did some overdue yard work. Did my once a year Daz update. Messed with the daz content files for organization. Broke daz. Fixed daz, I think. Then, I forgot what break means and started looking for more small town building assets and putting characters into costumes. And I'm always writing.

The Release
I'm so happy with chapter 2.

My biggest fear, that I didn't tell anyone, because it's from a dark place in my brain that is not logical or data-based, was that people wouldn't like spending the majority of the time at the funeral. It's a thing that is universally skipped. It's me and the mem call of duty. I resisted PRESS F TO PAY RESPECTS. I firmly said it doesn't belong in my family drama game with too many jokes.

There are reasons for the funeral and I think most people get that. Mainly, the idea of the game is to talk to cute girls until they kiss your face. It's a good, organic, reason to see extended family.

It also established the start of a pattern that I hope people have recognized of a family member giving a speech and having the chapter named after her. It was my idea early on. I never even considered that people might want to just read several speeches in a row. I hope it helps with the tone for the first arch, where a lot of games you might forget why you are there. We are going to be at this funeral for a while. And everyone will be different, when we leave.

When you make AVNs, you always kind of prep for huge waves of people's attention. Sometimes, it's support. Sometimes, complaints that verge on harassment. It has been very steady and manageable so far. I tried hard not to make the game look like something it's not and I haven't said anything disastrously out of genre norms. After chapter one's free weekend, I counted out the possibility for big shifts.

Support has been steadily growing and organic. I'm very happy with it because no one feels majorly ripped off or tricked, everyone can give at a comfortable amount, and hopefully don't feel pressured for more. It's a very strong position to be in and the day job is at a very stable and balanced place for my work. There are several hundred people who bought the game early on at three dollars and I don't need anything more from them unless they want to give more. (the update is in your library.)

Thank you all again.

Girls Ages
I've seen a lot of numbers thrown around in vague posts. In the game, I don't want people to dryly say their details but here, I can be as dry as I want! But still a little vague.

Su Chau and Aunt Janet Baskin are the oldest around the father's age. 

Evelyn Tank is Imani Tank, and childhood friend Tank's mother. She will get a proper introduction in the next chapter. She's a few years older than Selena Baskin, your mother.

Aunt Kaylin Brown is forty years old. She was ten when her sister (aka your mother) left home to start a family.

Hermione Castellani, Gail Thompson, and Beatrice Baskin are all close in age and were all in the same class after Hermione repeated a year.

Hermy is 31. Gail is 30. And Bea is 29. 

The next close ages are the MC, Tulip Baskin, Jim Reiner, and Cindy Chau. You went to school in the same class along with Tank.

You are 28, Cindy is 28, and Tulip is 27.

Imani Tank and Dora Fitzpatrick are both 25. They don't know each other yet.

Then there is the new adult section. Meka Brown, Bryerly Baskin, and Lilly Tanders. Meka is 19. Bry is 19. And Lilly is 18. 

That feels like enough.

Let's look at chapter 3 complete guesses!
I'm 30k in and there are a few more scenes I want to include. I'm calling it 40k to be comfortable. There are two relationship starting events. 

ONE PROMISE There are some big steps I want to take with chapter 3. The main core and focus of the game will be what is already, character focus and talking to cute girls. I don't plan on adding money or grinding mechanics.

I want to get an artist. I try very hard to make things the best I can but my real focus is on the writing. I'll continue to do art and make backer rewards. But I want to see if I can't hire or partner up with someone. Why tell everyone in a post? Hopefully, it lessens the shock and maybe I'll actually follow-through. I tried to onboard an artist during chapter 2 and that was a learning experience but also I don't know what I learned or what I should try different, next time. So, wish me luck.

I want to put chapter 3 up on steam. I'm going to work on it first. I don't think I can do a simultaneous release.

Cell Phone Mechanics I make no promises because I don't know how to do anything more complicated than pathing and values. I'm also not going to say what I have in mind.
I will say, in House in the Rift there are repeatable events when you can just chill on the couch and watch TV with a character and just enjoy being with them and I like that.

Streamer mode
Part of me wants to do a streamer mode. The part of me that thinks a toggle in the options menu and a few call commands will be easy. The part of me that wants to write interesting dialogue in every scene regardless of toplessness has yet to be convinced.
End of changes section.

I'm very excited to continue working on chapter 3. There is an entire discord that exists solely for people to talk to me and that's the best way to give me feedback and report bugs.

Supporter rewards will get posted by tomorrow night but I'm pulling for tonight.  Rewards This month I did a few images. Still, HD versions are available for patrons.   I have special renders posted on the third Wednesday of every month for all 18+ tiers. This is going to be another thin month for pinups.

 See the full sets on Patreon!                   See the full sets on Subscribestar!

While you can see updates and get your name in the credits, I will not be distributing games from Patreon. Games are distributed from Itch only.


4b7034e8 c8d4 45ef 94d5 d8d6659690dd 120x120 258x1 1080x1080

$18 (Everyone is)EIGHTEEN  -Bonus 4k render -render request -Beta testing Recruit

$10 PURRING KITTY rewards -Bonus 4k render -render suggestion -Access to the Games As soon as it is out of beta -weighted vote

2dbbe872 17c3 4c43 b8b7 c2017f5c16d2 120x120 1193x1 721x720

$5 PIXIES -Rewards and Special Renders

Fdc1c51e ef96 4660 a380 b54588c858cb 120x120 825x614 463x463

$3 BASEY rewards -Monthly unique photo sets not in any games  -behind-the-scenes details -credited (if you want)

A7f4cabf 02be 495e af82 8e34fa8af2c1 120x120 146x120 630x631

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You did good in chap 2. Game came alive, Thank you for your hard work..