Writing Complete!

Thanks to constant plugging away chapter 2 is written with 27k words.

That is mostly story but there are some programming tags mixed in.

I'm still in the midst of NaNoWriMo but to a certain extent, that will take a back seat to programming in WiNoWriMo.

Writing complete! (Yesterday)

There are still images to tag, programming, possible rewrites, I want at least twenty more renders, I might write a little bonus scene, and fixing some music cues. 

But the writing bit is done.

I've already started outlining the specifics of chapter 3 adapting them from the overall outline. 

This update will have two weaving paths and a lot of optional dialogue content. I packed in lore for anyone who is questioning why the sun is going out if you don't get a girlfriend.

After this post, I'm going to get to work with tagging images in the script along with other coding tags that I left placeholders in because I am not a perfect man and need a little help.

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